- Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator
- G3T Films
- Plum Flower Embroidery
- Fakiegrind
- R.2.K.
- Gistology
- Arthbard
- Big Pissy
- Library Mama
- 12.2005
- 01.2006
- 04.2006
- 12.2006
- 01.2007
- 02.2007
- 03.2007
- 04.2007
- 05.2007
- 06.2007
- 07.2007
- 08.2007
- 09.2007
- 01.2008
- 02.2008
- 06.2008
- 07.2008
- 02.2011
- 03.2011
- 12.2013
- 04.2014
Cool idea for a page... But as a scuba diver I was hoping for something different :)
Funky funky funky, I repeat thrice!
I demand more TIMAGES. YOU EITHER RELEASE 15-16 TIMAGES, or ONE REALLY GOOD ANIMATED GIF...similar to the style of your civil war one.
Instead of making Timages or an animation, I made it so that when Roboshrub Inc. is first loaded, a robot voice speaks the random slogan.
Took fifty robot-hours.
Also, I might not have time for Timages once New Product Month (A.K.A. February) begins.
You heard it here first, a new product a day for a whole month!
That's the Roboshrub way!
I wish you would start up a store...seriously. Let us buy t-shirts and baseball hats and little bendy figures of you and your timages!!!!
BTW--what is the white stuff in the middle of this timage? Is it snot or phlegm being spewn out of the respective nose or mouth of the grouch?? EEewww!
That's... a text line to show who's talking.
If it were phlegm, it would be higher... and there'd be more...
Doesn't look like text, phlegm, or anything of any PG rating.
It's all relative.