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Posted by Bathroom Hippo at 1:00 AM
  •   At 1/28/2007 8:48 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    For clarification:

    No I was not on any substance when I made this! That blue haired guy at the beginning is actually me (a role playing game character I once played named "cabeGOD").

    All the blogs in the background are my favorites.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:00 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    You are the fold MASTER.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:01 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Fold master?

    Hey! A talking head!

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:07 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    I was referring to how the images folded and distorted.

    Excellent job.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:10 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Thank you very much, uh..talking face =)

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:12 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Talking face...? What the- my body! I've been decapitated! Agh!

    No... oxygen...

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:14 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Should I put your face in a fish jar?

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:15 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Would you?

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:17 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Too bad we can't post images in the comments. I wonder if there's a work around?

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:19 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    It seems there's no method to edit new Blogger comments.

    We also can't put scripts into posts anymore, using the old republishing hack.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:21 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    There was a republish hack?

    I'm sure soon enough there will be a Greasemonkey script for new blogger allowing pics in comments.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:23 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Yeah, if you put a script in a post it'll give you an error, but if you clicked the template tag and republished, it'd publish the whole post, script included.

    You should know, Stan was the one who told me about that.

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:23 PM, Blogger Big Pissy said...

    Loved it! Loved it!

    Excellent song! :)

  •   At 1/28/2007 9:25 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Gyr- speaking of Stan..I need to go downstairs and see what he thinks of the movie.

    Pissy- =D The song reminded me of you =)

  •   At 1/28/2007 11:02 PM, Blogger jin said...


    *jin bows to the almighty hippo*

    I need to go watch that AGAIN!


  •   At 1/28/2007 11:06 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    It is addicting isn't it?

    Aren't you supposed to be ...ASLEEP until like 1 in the morning??

  •   At 1/28/2007 11:39 PM, Blogger jin said...
    LOL...I just got here.
    Woke up at 7PM...ate breakfast at 8.30.

    My body is very confused.

  •   At 1/28/2007 11:39 PM, Blogger jin said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  •   At 1/28/2007 11:47 PM, Blogger Big Pissy said...
    hippo: That's a good thing, right? ;-)

    jin: lots of baking to do today/tonight?

    I know nothing about bakeries except that I could never work in one b/c I would be big as a house! *LOL*


  •   At 1/29/2007 12:20 AM, Blogger jin said...
    @ pissy- Unfortunately it's not baking tonight. (I wish it was! It's easier! lol) My Dad's got some serious medical problems I'm helping him with. Tis why my schedule has been strange of late.
    Tis why I appreciate Hippo & Gyrobo SO MUCH! They make me LOL constantly!

    As for the sweets...I went vegetarian 5 years ago & since then I can eat all the pastry I want & not gain an ounce!
    Yay me!
    Haha! :-)

  •   At 1/29/2007 1:19 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    P: Of course!

    J: I have a theory...
    Vegetarians are sleeper cells who are waiting for the right time to EAT MANKIND!!!

    So says the Book of uh... Veggie Tales or something. No I've never watched Veggie Tales...well...maybe once.

  •   At 1/29/2007 1:39 AM, Blogger jin said...
    You should be thankful hippo!

    I won't try to eat you if we ever get stuck on a deserted island with no grocery stores!


  •   At 1/29/2007 2:25 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...


  •   At 1/29/2007 2:33 AM, Blogger jin said...

  •   At 1/29/2007 2:51 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...


  •   At 1/29/2007 3:23 AM, Blogger jin said...

    here fishy fishy fishy

  •   At 1/29/2007 9:09 AM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    AH! My sinuses are clear once more!

  •   At 1/29/2007 10:35 AM, Blogger AndyW said...
    Is this your desperate ploy for academy recognition??
    You just want to walk down the red carpet with young drunk/rehab bound actresses.

  •   At 1/29/2007 10:46 AM, Blogger Mentok said...
    Did you hear Youtube may start sharing revenue with posters? If so, you may be on the path to unimagined wealth of the kind only previously offered by Google ads ;-)

  •   At 1/29/2007 2:17 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Andy - Possibly... Naw. I just wanted to prove that I'm not a has been...that I can rule the world once more...if only for 1 day!

    Mentok - Yes I heard. I've thought about posting my movies to Youtube which would most definitely draw attention to me... but I don't like their censorship rules. If anywhere...I'd post to DailyMotion first. DailyMotion is where I catch up on Mythbusters (until their new rules) and Battlestar Galactica. I owe DailyMotion more than YouTube.

  •   At 1/29/2007 7:40 PM, Blogger Arcturus said...
    Despite your clarification, I just have to say ... someone was on 'shrooms while makin' that film. Perhaps you're snowbound up there in Utah and not able to get out of the house ... and so going a wee li'l stir crazy, cabin fever-wise?


    That sounds like my drink of choice, a Cape Cod.

    Alas, Hippo never lists me as one of his favorite blogs, though I like to think he secretly likes my blog...

  •   At 1/29/2007 8:13 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...


    Saying "Cape Cod" just earned you a free lifetime supply of air!

    Don't you feel special?!

  •   At 1/29/2007 8:32 PM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    Hippo you are the greatest flash animator on the planet! The fact that you included my blog in that freaky mushroom inspired fly-by has absolutely nothing to do with this compliment... just so we're clear on that... I really think, you've outdone yourself this time, and the big boys in Hollywood are gonna have to take notice. Hippo will not be denied!
    In fact, in your honor, Jin and I are preparing a dinner... Arcturus has donated himself as the main course...

  •   At 1/29/2007 8:45 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...


  •   At 1/30/2007 1:27 AM, Blogger jin said...
    Tich! You are so funny!
    Ever see the film
    "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover" ?
    It's one of my faves. Vegetarianism aside...there's a long list of peeps I'd do that to if I ever snapped.

    *jin wonders if she said that out loud.....*

  •   At 1/30/2007 8:42 AM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    Ha Ha! Jin! That was a terrible film! I enjoyed it just the same, like watching a slow motion train wreck, what's not to enjoy? :)
    Anyway, Arcturus needs to put on a few pounds... so in the meanwhile I sent Big Pissy a box of tripple dipped chocolate chocolate chip chocolate cookies... she should be ready in time for the doings!

  •   At 1/30/2007 9:53 AM, Blogger AndyW said...
    and the award for flash animation goes to BATHROOM HIPPO!


  •   At 1/30/2007 10:25 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    "I uhm...


    -pulls fire alarm-

  •   At 1/30/2007 11:21 AM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    I'm right handed, yet I'm typing this entirely with my left hand.

    Because Lauric Acid has a freezing point higher than room temperature. Why, Lauric Acid?! Why?!

  •   At 1/30/2007 12:11 PM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    Why not lysergic acid???

  •   At 1/30/2007 2:40 PM, Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One said...
    *hold up lighter and wave othe rhand in the air* You rock

  •   At 1/30/2007 4:56 PM, Blogger Arcturus said...
    I'm not for eatin' ... I'm for luuuvin' ...

    Besides, at my svelte and nubile 150 pounds and 5' 7-1/2", I'm not sure I would be enuf to fill a male hippopotamus' tummy ... wait, that sounded thoroughly obscene. I understand if you delete this message ...

    Gyrobo ... A Cape Cod is one of those cranberry vodka drinks with a lime. I wasn't sure about the air reference, though...

  •   At 1/30/2007 5:37 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Air is for breathin'.


  •   At 1/30/2007 10:06 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Doesn't take a dog professor to understand that one!

  •   At 1/31/2007 1:07 AM, Blogger concerned citizen said...
    gyrobo I just want to tell you , your avatars are cool man! Nostalgic even. Someday, tourquise heads (?) will be a famous 2005-6 icon.
    Exit...stage left

  •   At 1/31/2007 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's a terrible thing to give a shrub a hysterectomy with a light saber, especially when there's a high potential of that shrub being your father.

    Nice work.

  •   At 2/01/2007 12:05 AM, Blogger jin said... may be onto something...although I don't think it's just a shrub...
    I think it may be an

  •   At 2/01/2007 9:10 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Major blogger probs today...had to republish the blog twice...

    Can't even comment on Jinners, visit Ticharu's, or comment on anyones.

  •   At 2/01/2007 10:04 AM, Blogger Dino said...
    love the new movie yeahhhhhhh. The music is not bad either. Of course Jin if one of your favs how couldn't she be.

    as for blogger - i cant read half my daily blogs and neither I nor others can't comment on mine which sucks

  •   At 2/01/2007 9:43 PM, Blogger Steve said...
    That was awesome!

  •   At 2/02/2007 12:11 AM, Blogger Dr.Alistair said...
    i didn`t watch the video. what happened?

  •   At 2/02/2007 2:32 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    We sure get a lot of freaks here.
    Who left the door open?!?

  •   At 2/02/2007 8:31 AM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    When all other blogs fail... S.C.U.B.A. carries on!

  •   At 2/02/2007 9:31 AM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Blogger's having a field day with our sticky hands!

  •   At 2/06/2007 11:58 PM, Blogger Dr.Alistair said...
    watched the movie....had a flashback.


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