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Ticharu on cookie power!

Posted by Ticharu at 7:18 AM
  •   At 1/07/2007 9:32 AM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    Ticharu! You are the King of Coolness!

    Who is Pasha? Her/His Revenge was pretty sweet!

  •   At 1/07/2007 11:02 AM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    Coolness is a grand illusion but thanks anyway! Pasha is a good friend of Chunga fyi, and Chunga is pissed off that no one invited him to the party, and he wants to know what were in those cookies!

  •   At 1/07/2007 7:22 PM, Blogger Big Pissy said...
    Very cool!

    Illusion or not.

    Hippo, I love that lighter! *LOL*

  •   At 1/07/2007 9:10 PM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    My inner hippy wanted to shine! :) Thanks to Jin's cookies!!

  •   At 1/07/2007 10:04 PM, Blogger jin said...

    I LOVE when my cookies inspire AWESOMENESS!

    Your fingers moved so fast they went blurry!

    The secret ingredient in ALL my sweets is, LOVE, of course! :-D

    How the hell did you get a pic inside comments?!!? I was under the impression it was impossible?!

  •   At 1/07/2007 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am the King of Mystery my dear Jennifer.


    Gyrobo will probably tell you how it's done in mere moments...

  •   At 1/08/2007 12:27 AM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    Sorry I'm late!

    You can only include images in comments by editing them. This only works on blogs you own.

  •   At 1/08/2007 3:07 AM, Blogger jin said...
    Heeheee Hippo! :-D

    Ok, gyrobo...I must be tired. It took me a good 20 minutes to figure that out! HAHA!!! But I did. Thanks! Now I can impress & amaze my friends! ;-)
    Funny thing...I've been at that blog before checking out the templates!

  •   At 1/08/2007 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Damn Tich, you're going global!

  •   At 1/08/2007 1:37 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    There's also a Greasemonkey/Userscript for editing comments in Firefox and Opera.

    I don't know exactly how Userscripts work in Opera, though.

  •   At 1/08/2007 4:15 PM, Blogger Ticharu said...
    There is also Chunga's Revenge for editing people who piss you off by leaving comments that have nothing to do with what you're talking about just because they like the sound of themselves typing and seeing their little avatar again! :)

  •   At 1/08/2007 4:49 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said...

    I think he was talking to you Andy!

  •   At 1/08/2007 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am so not cool anyomre......sigh

  •   At 1/08/2007 10:57 PM, Blogger Gyrobo said...
    I wasn't cool before it wasn't popular.

  •   At 1/09/2007 2:15 AM, Blogger jin said...
    gyro- I need to say the word 'greasemonkey' several times per day now. Say it out loud...go ahead!
    greeeease monkeee
    Now, wasn't that FUN!?

    tich-LOL!!! You're a sly one!

    I think sabatkes gets 'cool points' just for commenting! :-)

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