Saturday, April 14, 2007
English 101
1. The fine art of wasting precious time & breath.
2. Counting the hairs on your forearm instead of working.
3. Writing ridiculous meaningless blogposts instead of working.
Middle English [jincrastination];
French [Ĵîncrástînátîon];
Hawaiian [Mele Kalikimakrastination]
Mexican [Woo Hoo!!! Siesta!!! Fiesta!!! Cerveza!!! Procrastinata!!!]
proper usage:
All Scuba members have fine-tuned their innate procratination abilities.
improper usage:
jin procrastinates.
(Why improper? Because it's just NOT true! Would I be here posting this drivel if I had work to do? Huh? Do you really think so?)
Materialize new comment
1. The fine art of wasting precious time & breath.
2. Counting the hairs on your forearm instead of working.
3. Writing ridiculous meaningless blogposts instead of working.
Middle English [jincrastination];
French [Ĵîncrástînátîon];
Hawaiian [Mele Kalikimakrastination]
Mexican [Woo Hoo!!! Siesta!!! Fiesta!!! Cerveza!!! Procrastinata!!!]
proper usage:
All Scuba members have fine-tuned their innate procratination abilities.
improper usage:
jin procrastinates.
(Why improper? Because it's just NOT true! Would I be here posting this drivel if I had work to do? Huh? Do you really think so?)
Woo Hoo!!! Siesta!!! Fiesta!!! Cerveza!!! Procrastinata!!!
I'm moving to Mexico. I like the language.
Is it:
a) scary
b) pathetic
c) cool
that the only words I knew were:
c.) cool
very very cool
Is it:
a.) disturbing
b.) titillating
c.) endearing
that the only word I know is Chupacabra.
Too tired... to be witty...
I was going to procrastinate...
@monkey- OH! It's b!!! LOL. I had to google it, but, cool! Have you ever seen one??? ;-)
@gyro- awww....tough day at the office dear?
@jon- That's called "Procrastination Contemplation". It too is a fine art. Carry on.
Is it just me, or does Gyrobo look unwell?
I feel like a million ducks.
Yes, well... you look better now, but earlier I was tempted to dial 911.
I once contemplated thought.
Welcome aboard Monkey!
Gyrobo is in charge of your 401k-banana plan.
Chupacabre is one of my favorite words!
It's just so fun to say!
proper usage:
jin procrastinates with her comment retort.
Do you need to have some sort of plan for the future to procrastinate? I could be in troub... *shrugs* can't be bothered typing.